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Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

Update point


          The update point is who you doing a problem you can get point ,if you get many point you get punishment, like 50 Point call parent,75 SP 1,100 SP2,150 SP3. This function of update point to keep student not doing bad attitude or to mines student doing bad attitude.and then this update point can help teacher to orderly student like who comelate get 5 point and not use a tie get 5 point, and etc. 
          The update point can make we understend to follow rules in school And then update point its rules modern why? Because he use point in another school not use this,this school its 1 school who use updat point .and then this update point very keep the student not do bad attitude ,im look who hia doing always bad attitude now he not do he do a good attitude now.
          This update point very strict to who doing not use equiment school like not use a socks get point.now i always use equient because i scared if i not use i get point.

Wassalamualaikum warahmuttallahi wabarakatuh. 

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