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Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

Class Competition


           Every Friday, all of the classes from seven until eight grade take participate to determine which the most effective language class and ineffective class from each grade. Not also at best class. The cleanliness of the class also scored for the clean class and dirty class. It depends on how the student can cooperate with each other and create conducive class. So everybody that come to the class can be comfort either it is a student or the teacher that learn at there.
            The winner and loser had been determined by the scoring from the teacher then, for the cleanliness determined by OSIS member. School also give appreciate for class who always win the best class. The class who always win the best class will be choosing by the school to become school grade ambassador. The teacher take a learning video of the class then the video become the school sample.

Sometimes our school holds some event between classes, one of the examples is creative Friday. So, all of the class from all grade need to decorate its class become look good and beautiful and comfort to be lived. The class scored based on its decorative and comfortable. Everybody at class were busy to decorate their classes until some of student go out from the school for looking the material that their need.
           So, the conclusion make the other class compete against with another and create harmonious among the student and learn from the mistake.
“It’s enough from me, thank for reading”

Waalaikumsallam, Wr, Wb.

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