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Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

Toefl and Morning Habituation


          Morning habituation is an activity carried out by students at our school. Starting from reading istighosah then continued with the dhuha prayer, students are required to be there at school at 6:45 or before the specified time.
If late 5 minutes then perform istighosah by standing and if late 10 minutes or more eating do istighosah by standing, pray 10 raka’at dhuha before performing the dhuha prayer for late runners required to run in the field 2x rounds after that carry out the Dhuha prayer.
          After praying it is required to attend toefl learning. Usually the learning is done in class or in the mosque. Toefl learning is due to train students in using vocabulary in English and the teacher teaches students correctly. Learning includes speaking, writing, listening and memorizing.
           TOEFL learning is very important to us because in school we are
required to use English. So that is our activity in the morning.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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