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Selasa, 04 Februari 2020



The era increasingly modern,the development of internet technology is also growing rapidly.The benefits can be used in a various ways,one of which is education.The benefits of the internet for education are:
Ø Makes it easy to find information.
Including in educational institutions,the internet can be one way to find information that can be even more updated than books lined up in the library.Lots information relating to education can be accessed by only using the internet.

Ø Can be easier to find refrences.
If in the past the literature search must be completely in the library,different from now.If there is internet,we can easily type the keywords you want in the search engine,click enter,then the relevent information will appear.

Ø Supporting facilities and infastructure in school learning.
Elearning or electric learning systems are now widely used by schools that are aware of the existence and advances in technology,especially the internet.This means that the internet has been used as a means and infrastructure for student learning such as to find information about a material.

Ø Can be additional learning.
Because of the large amount of information available on the internet,students and teachers can get additional learning resources via the internet.

Ø Distance education facilities.
The internet can also be a supporter of distance education facilities.now there are many universities that provide online lectures and enable to be able to study distance learning.

Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb

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