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Selasa, 04 Februari 2020

Learning by using English

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

Learning by English is fun, but sometimes it can be hard too, some students might not understands but it’s okay, because you can always asks the teacher if you don’t understand. By using English we can understand a lot of things more easier, because right now is 2020 and half of the product or something that Indonesians produce is in English, and by using English we can understand another language easier, because English is the nation language, almost everyone used it, for an example if a tourist ask you where they’re destination is but you don’t know what they meant you’ll gonna look like you’re not smart, English is very important.
Learn English, as much as you can, because it’ll be so much useful when you grow older.

Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb

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