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Rabu, 05 Februari 2020

Facilities in the MTSB Class

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

         Classroom is a term used for point to a special room in the school as a place
for tthe process of learning and teaching by teacher and students. In the clasroom
meet student’s chairs and desks, teacher’s chair and desks, whiteboard, cupboard
and other supporting objects. All neatly arranged. The teacher’s chair is placed in
front near the whiteboard, while the student chair is parallel to the whiteboard.
A good classroom is a room that is not dark and stuffy. Air circulation and
lighting must be set is such a way. Likewise , class cleanliness must also be
considered. With a clean class, cool air and bright class will make the learning and
teaching process more enjoyable.
In the classroom equipped with television. Television is used for learning.
Learning using television make students pay more attention to learning. If , there is
no instruction from the teacher to turn on the television, then the television must not be turn on.
In the back corner of the students bench is a mini library. This mini library
makes students interest in reading grow. Many science books are in the mini libary.
During recess students like to read in the mini library.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb

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