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Rabu, 05 Februari 2020

Condition of Class

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

         This information will tell you about the condition of class. All of the thing until the condition in class.
         First, there thirty five table and chair for student. In front of those table, there is a table and chair for the teacher. On the table there are  map of portofolio, marker, eraser, also a remote for smart tv. Behind the teacher’s table, there is a white board and a smart tv on the wall.

Position of our class

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

          The class of 7.6 is occupying one of the best spots in the year seven’s floor, from the gate that goes in, in MTsB and walk up the two floors and turn to the left. The best thing is that 7.6 class is one of the closest to the stairs that you need to go down from top to bottom every day. Our class is one of the smallest rooms in grade seven although it is small it is not in the worst position, it is in one of the best positions in grade seven, the stairs is right next to our class room so we can just go down without wasting much energy. Our classroom is one of the only classrooms that has a big window to let vitamin D in so it can be called a healthy classroom. It is a classroom easy to navigate in because it is not hard to go to. Because of that our class is a class we treat with our heart; we are happy about the position that our class is in be it worst or best we are still grateful. 

Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

       In MTs Bilingual sidoarjo, the class is usually clean all the time. For example is The tidiness of Al-qur’an’s, The seat placements, File’s or Paper’s are placed in the shelf nicely and So on. Not only that, Our school has a class decorating contest where every class in Mts Bilingual must decorate their class and make it look nice, beautiful and also tidy. There is also an assessment of which class the most cleanest and the dirtiest class every month. Each class have its own unique things in their, for example in the picture. It shows that te class is themed by the nature. There are still other classes that have a much different theme than this.

                                                 Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb

Class Order

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

    Rules are a set or set of rules that must be obeyed by anyone and usually if anyone who violates the rules will get sanctions from people who have the authority to impose sanctions.
   Order is very important because with the rules there are benchmarks actions or behaviors that should not be done and must be avoided. In everyday life we are inseparable from the rules both the rules set by the government and normative rules and prohibitions set by religion. Schools have rules and regulations to be obeyed and obeyed by all school residents.
    There are also special rules that apply in the classroom environment. This code of conduct must refer to the rules and regulations that apply in schools. Coaching is done by the teacher or homeroom teacher respectively. This order must be obeyed and followed by all students in the class concerned.
In my class there is an order assessment form which is conducive or not. If not, the class will get a minus value, and if the class is conducive, it will get a score of 0, which means safe.

Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb

Class library

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

The class library is a place where we can read books and borrow.And if we want to take it home, we have to ask the secretary for permission to get the data.And in the loan we are given a maximum of time, namely within a period of 1 week.Why is it given a maximum period of time ??, so that other friends can borrow books that we borrow.And if the book we borrow is lost, we will be punished because we cannot keep the book well.In the class library there are comic books, novels, folklore books, history, and other
        Not only in grade 7, there is a class library, class 8 and 9, there are also.And other classes who want to borrow books from our class library May also be loo but still will be recorded so that our books are not lost or reduced.And we can also borrow books from other classes (we can borrow and borrow).In the next paragraph I will explain the negative impacts and positive impacts.Books from this class library can be read when the teacher has not arrived and at rest.But remember we must keep the book.

Class cleanliness

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

At present there are still many school that do not mantain cleanliness, especially
cleanliness in the clasroom. Every year the level of school cleanliness dicrease.
This indicates that we have not been able to create a healthy life. Though healthy
is very important. Class cleanliness is also the responsibility of picket officers.
Be discipline and be responsible for the task you get. If our class is clean, we
ourselves will feet the benefits.
The benefits of clean classes are :
1. The environment and class feel more comfortable
The school environment especially in the classroom must always kept clean.
Everyday the picket officers must carry out his duties as well as possible.
Clean the clasroom and tidy up the state of the table and chairs before the
bell enters.

Facilities in the MTsB school canteen


The canteen is always clean and always keeps the cleanliness of the food that is sold and sold there is also halal and is maintained by the cleanliness of the school and every day food hygiene is checked.If there are sellers who cheat and do not obey the canteen regulations, they will be excluded from the canteen and not allowed to sell food in the canteen anymore.and at my school the rest time is 2 times the first at 9 and the second break in the morning after the midday prayer.And after the children have used their shoes, they go straight to the canteen to buy food and drink after they have ordered, some are directly classed and some are still eaten there.
At MTsB school there are two canteens namely the MTs canteen and MI canteen and in both canteens there are benches and chairs if we want to eat on the spot.There are many types of food, namely: there are meatballs, chicken noodles, rice packs ice tea, and soto.and the price is very cheap not to exceed 10,000.But the questions of students after buying food back to class. My school cafeteria is very neat and clean so students who buy are comfortable to buy there.And many teachers eat there and at the same time take care of students who buy food in the cafeteria.Me and my friend really like to eat there because there are many food choices and the price is very affordable.

Waalaikumsallam Wr Wb